Chasing Adventure Updated - Hardcover Kickstarter in 1 Week

Chasing Adventure has been updated to 1.04! The changes are mostly typo fixes and formatting tweaks. A big thank you to the community who have been extremely helpful in finding and helping to fix these issues.

Our Hardcover Kickstarter campaign launches in 1 week! Many of you have expressed interest in a physical copy of the book, and we've been excitedly working to prepare this campaign to fulfill that.

Follow the campaign and back it when it launches:


Chasing Adventure 1.04 Free.pdf 3.5 MB
Mar 11, 2024
References, Playbooks & Printouts Free.pdf 790 kB
Mar 11, 2024
Chasing Adventure 1.04 Full.pdf 5.9 MB
Mar 11, 2024
References, Playbooks, & Printouts Full.pdf 939 kB
Mar 11, 2024

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