Chasing Adventure 1.0 Is Released!

Happy New Year! It’s been a long but fruitful few years working on Chasing Adventure. What started as a hack of Dungeon World has now become it’s own fantasy action-adventure PbtA game.

What’s Changed With the 1.0 Update?

In short, a lot! Since the last update in July of 2022, the game has completely switched layouts from landscape to portrait. For those who prefer landscape, the printouts and references chapter still uses landscape, and a lot less imagery to save on printing costs.

We’ve also added art! The cover and each chapter has a gorgeous half-page spread that evokes the feeling Chasing Adventure is going for.

Many chapters have been significantly expanded, including an overhauled Rewards system, dozens of additional Assets, NPCs, Magic Items and more. 

Character creation has been refined, with a guide on creating a character, many Playbooks getting new or updated Moves, and a step-by-step procedure for changing Playbooks.

Also a mountain mountain of tips, comments, examples, and designer’s notes have been added to in grey italic notes all over the book to help make the game more easily understandable.

What’s Next?

The first priority is to launch the Chasing Adventure website, which should be complete in January. After that, getting form-fillable and VTT character sheets up and available.

In the long term we’re preparing for a hardcover kickstarter print run to happen later this year!


Chasing Adventure 1.0 Free.pdf 3.8 MB
Dec 31, 2023
References, Playbooks & Printouts Free.pdf 759 kB
Dec 31, 2023
Older Versions 1.8 MB
Dec 31, 2023
Chasing Adventure 1.0 Full.pdf 5.3 MB
Dec 31, 2023
References, Playbooks, & Printouts Full.pdf 759 kB
Dec 31, 2023
Older Versions 1.9 MB
Dec 31, 2023

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This looks like a fantastic update! Can’t wait for the Kickstarter!